Sunday, November 7, 2010

Love from magan bagan

I first met Killian when I asked her if she would beta something for me. She graciously agreed and was even more amazing than I could have hoped for. But even with her help on my stories and reading her fan fiction TALAY could never have prepared me for just who Killian is. When Dawn (aka: kyla713) and I asked her to be a guest on our podcast, she came in with a vengeance. I don't think that I've ever laughed so hard in my life, and we had to record twice after technical difficulties.

No only is Killian witty and smart, she's also funny and kind and a wonderful friend. I feel so privileged to have met her and hope that we'll continue a friendship long after the hype of fan fiction dies down.

Happy Birthday, Killian! I hope you have a fabulous day and you know how much you are loved.


magan bagan