Sunday, November 7, 2010

Love from Kay Cannon


I can't begin to thank you enough for being such an amazing friend to me this year. I feel very lucky and am even more grateful to know you. You're so kind, honest, genuine, and nonjudgmental. And on top of that, you're brilliant, without arrogance. 

Thanks for making so much time for breakfasts with a friend, and waiting so patiently for my always late self. Thanks for checking up on me, and making sure I'm doing okay, even if it's been a couple of weeks since we've talked. Thanks for being you!

And I also wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. I've watched you grow and strengthen so much over these past months. You deserve all the great things coming to you. :)

I hope you have a wonderful day. Wish I could be there to share it with you, but hopefully this little token will suffice. 

Love you!

The other K <3